Notes for Contributors
- Paper may be published in English. Text of paper, figures (in black and white) and tables as well as all about authors and short abstract in English (and Russian if possible) have to be sanded by e-mail.
- Please, use Word XP, No14 computer type and double space. The number of pages of the text should be not more than 12. The number of figures has to be not more than 4.
- Each picture as well as list of figure captures (with all the details), and each table have to be placed on individual extra pages in the individual file or after the text. Each table has to have a title.
- SI units should be used throughout the text and on the figures. Please, don’t use uncommon abbreviators.
- All about authors: their positions, scientific degree, complete mailing addresses, e-mailes, faxes and telephones as well as the name of author responsible for answering editor’s questions have to be submitted on the individual page.